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Contribution to the Evaluation of the Quality of Life at Work (Qwl) By Pensioners in Algerian Enterprises


Bouzerara Ramdane

The issue of the work is an integral part of the strategic objectives of companies, enterprises, employees, it must be taken into account in the daily functioning of concepts in order, in particular, to anticipate the consequences of economic and social changes in society. The quality of life at work (QWL) is the space of balance between economic and social satisfaction during and after employees' retreat and the performance of enterprises. It is considered as a life philosophy adopted by the enterprises aiming at improving working conditions, well-being, relational and organizational factors. In order to act effectively, QWL must be part of a continuous improvement process: it is measured, acted upon, and its effects and developments are observed. Unfortunately, this is the phenomenon of the missing piece in the reality of work since it is rarely considered a major concern and only occasionally appears on the dashboard of company management and their managers. Our aim is to try to assess the quality of work life through the retired staff of national companies. Thus, based on the feedback of the retreat staff, who have come to decide on actions and recommendations that meet the expectations of enterprises and society in terms of sustainable development. Then each manager finds an answer to his concerns, a decision support, or even to determine what measures to adopt to prevent the prejudices encountered, to materialize another time. In this way, they are able to suggest improvements to the deficiencies observed in the workplace and engage in a process of continuous improvement.