A Brief Note on Environmental Pollution
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Editorial - Journal of Environmental and Occupational Health (2021)

A Brief Note on Environmental Pollution

Devaraj Shankar*
Department of Environmental Science, Anna University, India
*Corresponding Author:

Devaraj Shankar, Department of Environmental Science, Anna University, India, Email:

Received: 03-Nov-2021 Published: 24-Feb-2022

Environment is defined as the physical environment of a virtual system that can interact with other systems by exchanging quantities and forces. All living things and inanimate objects fall under the natural environment. Nature is our environment, so it is our responsibility to protect it from any kind of damage. Pollution is one of the major problems facing humanity today. Air, water, and soil form three basic areas of pollution.

Pollution from industrial development is considered to be a global concern in recent years. Therefore, the scientific community is developing a variety of innovations and strategies to reduce environmental problems. In this regard, aerogels have attracted a great deal of interest in the scientific community due to their unique architecture of various advanced applications, such as energy storage and energy storage equipment.

Pollution is one of the worst problems facing humanity and other living things on our planet today. Pollution is defined as the pollution of the visible and living parts of the earth’s atmosphere, so that the normal processes of the environment are adversely affected. Pollutants may be natural or energy sources, but they are considered to be more polluting if they exceed natural levels. Any use of natural resources at a higher price than natural gas recycling can lead to air, water, and land pollution. Environmental pollution is a variety of types of air, water, soil, noise and light weight. This causes damage to the life system. How pollution interacts with public health, natural medicine and the environment has changed dramatically.

Pollutants are chemicals that end up in the environment because of human activity and are harmful to health. Environmental pollution is compounds introduced into the environment that cause negative changes, for example, that affect health or cause other types of damage. Among these, pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides are of great interest as they are widely used in agriculture. Pesticides have been included in a wide range of organic pollutants that have an impact on the environment.

Some chemical compounds of human origin are easily absorbed by marine animals and disrupt their endocrine systems; these are known as endocrine disruptors and interfere with the anatomical growth and reproduction of both sexes, resulting in severe deformities, usually in the limbs, and the emergence of male frogs that show distinct female characteristics. Endocrine inhibitors include insecticide dichloro-diphenyl- trichloroethane (DDT), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) from plastics, and the most widely used herbicide atrazine. Nitrate fertilizer is widely used around the world and, because it runs in fields and streams, is extremely dangerous for aquatic animals.

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