Effectiveness of Disinfectants and its Properties

Commentary - Journal of Environmental and Occupational Health (2023)

Effectiveness of Disinfectants and its Properties

Jijun Gao*
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Bahria University, Islamabad, Pakistan
*Corresponding Author:

Jijun Gao, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Bahria University, Islamabad, Pakistan, Email:

Received: 29-Dec-2022, Manuscript No. JENVOH-23-89839; Editor assigned: 12-Jan-0023, Pre QC No. JENVOH-23-89839 (PQ); Reviewed: 16-Jan-2023, QC No. JENVOH-23-89839; Revised: 23-Jan-2023, Manuscript No. JENVOH-23-89839 (R); Published: 30-Jan-2023


Bacteria on inert surfaces are inactivated or eliminated using a chemical agent or substance known as a disinfectant. Disinfection is less efficient than sterilisation, which is a harsh physical or chemical procedure that destroys all living forms, albeit it may not always completely eradicate all microorganisms, particularly resistant bacterial spores. Disinfectants are typically distinguished from other antimicrobial substances like antibiotics and antiseptics, which kill bacteria on live tissue and inside the body, respectively. Disinfectants differ from biocides as well because the latter are meant to eradicate all living things, not simply bacteria. In order to kill bacteria, disinfectants either break down their cell walls or disrupt their metabolism. It is also a type of decontamination and is the process of reducing the number of pathogenic germs on a surface using physical or chemical means. As the term “disinfectant” originally only meant that it eliminates bacteria in the medical lexicon, it is also possible to use disinfectants to eliminate microorganisms on the skin and mucous membrane. Sanitizers are compounds that clean and disinfect at the same time. Sanitizers don’t destroy as many germs as disinfectants do. In order to eradicate infectious organisms, disinfectants are widely employed in medical facilities, dentist offices, restaurants, and restrooms. Sanitizers are gentler than disinfectants and are typically used to clean objects that come into touch with people, whereas disinfectants are stronger and are used to clean surfaces like floors and indoor spaces. Although some fungi, viruses, and bacteria also have some resistance to disinfectants, bacterial endospores are the most resistant.

Measurements of effectiveness

A method of evaluating disinfectants when comparing them is to see how well they perform when compared to another disinfectant. The “Phenol coefficient” is the comparable rating scale, with phenol serving as the standard. On a reference microorganism, the disinfectant under test is contrasted with phenol. A coefficient greater than one indicates a disinfectant that is more efficient than phenol. Those with a coefficient below one are less efficient. Three tests a basic suspension test, a quantitative suspension test, and a two-part simulated-use surface test make up the standard European method for validating disinfectants. The classification of disinfection by the United States Environmental Protection Agency into high, middle, or low levels is a less precise indicator of effectiveness. Intermediate-level disinfection kills mycobacteria, most viruses, and bacteria with a chemical germicide registered as a “tuberculocide” by the Environmental Protection Agency. “High-level disinfection kills all organisms, except high levels of bacterial spores,” and is carried out with a chemical sterility sold as such by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. An EPA-registered chemical germicide used in low-level disinfection eradicates some viruses and bacteria. Measurement of the Minimum inhibitory concentrations of disinfectants against specific microbiological species, such as by the use of micro broth dilution testing, is an alternate method of assessment. Nevertheless, those procedures don’t take the inoculum impact into account and instead yield results at typical inoculum levels. The minimal disinfectant dose as a function of the density of the target microbial species must now be determined using more detailed approaches.


The ideal disinfectant would also provide complete and total microbiological sterilisation, be cheap, non-corrosive, and affect neither humans nor useful forms of life. The majority of disinfectants, however, are by their very nature potentially dangerous to both people and animals. The majority of contemporary household disinfectants have denatonium, an extremely unpleasant additive used to deter intake. They should never be used with other cleaning agents when used inside since chemical reactions could result. The appropriate disin-fectant to use will depend on the circumstances. While some disinfectants offer a broad spectrum, some are favoured for other reasons despite only killing a certain subset of disease-causing organisms. There are reasons to prevent bacterial survival and reproduction rather than try to kill them with chemicals by establishing or maintaining unfavourable environments. Bacteria have a high rate of population growth, which allows them to adapt swiftly. In the event that some bacteria survive a chemical attack, they produce new generations that are entirely made up of germs that are resistant to the specific chemical used. The bacteria that survive a prolonged chemical attack develop a growing resistance to the chemical, which eventually renders the chemical useless. Because of this, some people doubt the necessity of using bactericidal agents to treat household surfaces like countertops, chopping boards, and textiles.

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